Cultural Values

Corrientes has Payé

Payé is a Guarani word which describes a sort of spell casted for different purposes. The expression "Corrientes has payé" is now used to imply that the charm in these territories will always make visitors yearn to return or will make them unable to leave.

This metaphor illustrates the magical thinking of the people of Corrientes, but in particular of the people of the Iberá area:

  • The shot of cane spirit with rue on the first day of August to prevent the diseases that this month, the coldest in Corrientes, may bring.
  • The great feeding feast of Karaí in October to counter food shortages of the assumed most difficult month of the year.
  • The Pombero (seen during siesta) is at the top of the list of regular "apparitions" in Iberá; also are the Kurupy chasing some Guayna or young women; the Yaguá hú (werewolf), the luz mala (evil light) of a tormented soul or the Yaguareté Abá, half jaguar and half man.

“Sympathy” healing is also common and, even if a hospital or emergency room may be nearby, the habit to visit the healers who specialize in indigestion, the “evil eye" and many other “aches and pains” still persists.